20 Ocak 2011 Perşembe

Enjoy Awesome Fun By Playing Ben 10 Games

By Kurt Hudson

If you're a serious gamer you've heard of Ben 10. It's all the rage online and more and more people are discovering it everyday. 
 Ben 10 is so popular because it's easy to play. You don't have to leave home to play it or spend much money. 

Those who know the history of Ben10, are aware that it is an adaptation that recently took off once people started playing it.

Ben 10 is played the same as many other games - you try to accumulate enough points to win. It's played primarily by the young and bored, although some think that its attraction is more widespread.

Some gamers believe that Ben 10 has gone mainstream. They claim it is more than just a meaningless diversion and that you can find friends doing it. This assertion is doubtful, however.

Some people in the gaming community feel the game has become mainstream. They encourage others to give it a try and promote it as an ideal way to entertain yourself during down time a work or home. Just don't get caught by your boss or any females you might want to ask out. It's not likely they are going to be intrigued by a hardcore gamer spending all his extra time playing on the computer.

Who knows you may even find some people at work who love the game as much as you do and you can become friends! You could spend all your off time talking about video games. What fun! The girls will flock to you! No one will think you're pathetic at all.

So, if you're going to begin playing Ben 10 you should consider the ramifications. Make sure you keep it a hobby and play it on the sly. To be honest, most people won't want to hear about how many points you have or what level you're on. 

So, if you want to have fun on your down time try Ben 10 but don't make it you avocation. No one really wants to hear what level you're on or what special powers some icon has. Keep it to yourself and no one will know how much of a geek you really are. Who knows? Maybe some girls will even talk to you.

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